
Why we aren't so great at "climate management"

I ran into this today:

This Global Map of Science is based on research-front data for the six-year period ending in December 2009. The map shows the major subject areas within fields linked together in a network based on the same principles as our research-front maps showing highly cited papers. To create a map of science, we start with all research fronts in Essential Science IndicatorsSM from Thomson Reuters, and compute the links between fronts based on how often they are co-cited—that is, the frequency that current papers jointly cite two given fronts. Successive applications of a clustering process then groups fronts into larger aggregates. Each circle on the map represents a cluster or aggregate of research fronts on a broad topic within that field. Annotations have been added to this map which represent the main research themes. These appear as labels attached to specific regions on the maps. Additional information about Research Fronts.
Us interdisciplinary folks have something to learn from the hepatitisologists...

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