1) A Bayesian take on the Fermi paradox question
2) Non-equilibrium odds for the emergence of life
3) "[I]t is better to find realist accounts where possible. The other option is to investigate more exotic realist possibilities, which include retrocausality, "
4) Philosophy, Math Research, Math Ed Research, K–16 Education, and the Civil Rights Movement: A Synthesis
5) Evidence that the neural dimensions of concept representation are ~universal across people and languages
6) "We suggest that a thermal Hamiltonian picture of the evolution of cooperation can generate other insights about the dynamics of evolving groups by mining the rich literature of critical dynamics in low-dimensional spin systems."
7) On that note: Indirect reciprocity, social norms, and simple moral rules in the evolution of cooperation
8) Four straight days of John Coltrane.
9) Yo colleague, I heard you like meta-analysis
10) How to write a first-class paper
11) A loud-mouth theory of polarization
12) "Among black male barbershop patrons with uncontrolled hypertension, health promotion by barbers resulted in larger blood-pressure reduction when coupled with medication management in barbershops by specialty-trained pharmacists."
13) "Parent–researchers face a conundrum as they struggle to attend key conferences and further their careers while finding care for the children."
14) On the interaction between interactions and sample size
15) Economies of Scale: The Physics Basis
16) Constructal Theory ("松形") Developments in China During the Past Decade
17) "My dream at that point — and this is going to sound funny to some people — but my dream was to be on a real college campus with my backpack on, walking to class."
2) Non-equilibrium odds for the emergence of life
3) "[I]t is better to find realist accounts where possible. The other option is to investigate more exotic realist possibilities, which include retrocausality, "
4) Philosophy, Math Research, Math Ed Research, K–16 Education, and the Civil Rights Movement: A Synthesis
5) Evidence that the neural dimensions of concept representation are ~universal across people and languages
6) "We suggest that a thermal Hamiltonian picture of the evolution of cooperation can generate other insights about the dynamics of evolving groups by mining the rich literature of critical dynamics in low-dimensional spin systems."
7) On that note: Indirect reciprocity, social norms, and simple moral rules in the evolution of cooperation
8) Four straight days of John Coltrane.
9) Yo colleague, I heard you like meta-analysis
10) How to write a first-class paper
11) A loud-mouth theory of polarization
12) "Among black male barbershop patrons with uncontrolled hypertension, health promotion by barbers resulted in larger blood-pressure reduction when coupled with medication management in barbershops by specialty-trained pharmacists."
13) "Parent–researchers face a conundrum as they struggle to attend key conferences and further their careers while finding care for the children."
14) On the interaction between interactions and sample size
15) Economies of Scale: The Physics Basis
16) Constructal Theory ("松形") Developments in China During the Past Decade
17) "My dream at that point — and this is going to sound funny to some people — but my dream was to be on a real college campus with my backpack on, walking to class."