
Weekend Links

1) Routes and imputed travel times between 751 sites in ancient Rome (via The Economist)

2) AfricaMap: a collaborative GIS data project at Harvard (via Hannah)

3) OpenROV, a $750 open source submarine Will someone at one of the oceanographic institutes get a grant together to swarm these, please?

4) The gap in US black-white life expectancy appears to be shrinking (via Will)

5) Why Do Firms Use Non-Linear Incentive Schemes? (or "understanding sales jobs")

6) The UN Global Pulse Report on Big Data for Development, and commentary by Patrick Meier (via Emmanuel)

7) On switching from Stata to R (via Johannes)

8) “If you want to live longer and healthier than the average American, come to New York City” (The Lancet, via Krista)

9) Multiple Event Studies in Public Finance: ASimulation Study with Applications

10) "I need the rest of you to help me fix the world." A round up of this year's best commencement addresses (via Dave Pell)

11) Why I'm leery of field research


  1. Related to 1, any idea if there is data around on either the trade volume among cities or the wealth of cities in ancient Rome?

  2. It looks like some sort of city size / wealth data are incorporated in the Orbis model itself. Check out the "Building Orbis" tab on the main page: http://orbis.stanford.edu/
