
Empirical evidence that hard work can make the world a better place

Sometimes when it's the weekend and you need a motivational break from furiously analyzing-data-while-writing-two-papers-while-applying-for-jobs-while-refereeing-stuff-and-washing-dishes, a movie on a historical success does the trick.  Here are some of my favorites flavors of inspiration-caffeine [despite their historical inaccuracies...]:

Amazing Grace - ending slavery in the British Empire
(one of my favorite quotes is Edmund Burke on these events)

Ghandhi - liberating India and Pakistan

The Great Debaters - civil rights in the US
(maybe I like this because I met my fiance on our high-school's science olympiad team...)

Invictus - reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa
(I remembered to post this because I was jogging in my Springbok's jersey!)

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