
Unleash your inner cartographer

In my work, I make a lot of maps. But they're usually just a single image and they're mediocre in terms of color-choice and design.  Mapbox is a product from a DC startup that can help us data-jockeys build svelte and scalable maps that integrate data from lots of sources. From their about page:
MapBox is a platform for designing and publishing fast and beautiful maps. We provide MapBox Streets, a complete customizable world base map, develop the powerful open source map design studio TileMill, make it easy to integrate maps into applications and websites, and support all of these tools on top of scalable, high-performance hosting. We've made MapBox developer friendly with an open API.
The development team has worked on all sorts of projects, from tracking elections to helping document hurricane damage. Their blog is also way cool.

h/t Young

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